Tropical acne arises in tropical climates because of heat, humidity, sun and sweat. Sometimes called summer acne, it commonly affects Caucasians who are not used to such a climate but spend time in it on vacation or for other reasons. Tropical acne can affect the face, back, arms and other areas. It looks like other types of acne, appearing as blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. Fortunately, effective treatments are available.
How to Treat Tropical Acne
- 1 Beat the heat. Even if you are staying in a hot area, you may be able to control tropical acne by avoiding the heat and excess sunlight. Stay indoors where there is air conditioning during the daytime when you can. Do not go tanning. If you want to go jogging or participate in other outdoor activities, do so early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is weaker. If acne is a problem on your back, change your T-shirt often to avoid buildup of sweat and dead skin cells.
- 2 Keep your skin clean-but do not overdo it. Washing with a gentle cleanser can help to remove oil and dead skin cells that contribute to tropical acne. Scrubbing too hard, however, can irritate the skin and make acne worse. Also remember to shampoo your hair once a day in the summer to prevent oil from your hair from getting onto your skin.
- 3 Try home treatments. Over-the-counter topical agents typically contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, lactic acid, sulfur or resorcinol. They cause drying and kill bacteria, but are typically effective only for mild cases.
- 4 See a dermatologist for stronger treatment if preventive measures and over-the-counter remedies do not clear up the acne. Depending on factors such as your age and gender and the severity of your summer acne, the doctor may prescribe topical agents or oral medications. Topical medicines include antibiotics, retinoids and stronger concentrations of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Oral agents include antibiotics and, for some women, birth control pills.
- 5 Make extra efforts to avoid sunlight during treatment for tropical acne. Certain oral and topical agents increase sensitivity to the sun. That means you could get a sunburn or experience irritation or dryness with less exposure to the sun than usual. If you must go out in the sun, talk to your dermatologist about reducing or stopping your medication for a while.
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Tips & Warnings
- Acne cannot be cleared up overnight, so expect treatment to take four to eight weeks.
- Avoid popping or squeezing acne lesions-you may end up with scars.
- University of Maryland Medical Center: Acne
- American Academy of Dermatology: Acne
- UAB Health System: Acne
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