Through its global corporate social
responsibility initiative, Pink Changing LivesSM, Mary Kay is helping to
change the lives of women and children around the world. Mary Kay’s
largest global Pink Changing LivesSM initiative is its Beauty That
Counts® campaign. Through Beauty That Counts®, Mary Kay is donating just
under $4 million (USD) from the 2008, 2009 and 2010 worldwide sale of
Beauty That Counts® Mary Kay® Crème Lipsticks to causes that change the
lives of women and children around the world.
Join Mary Kay® in its worldwide efforts to change the lives of women and children through purchase of Limited-Edition* Lip Gloss @ RM48. Comes in 2 shades - Inspiring (Clear Gloss) & Possibilities (Pink).
For over 45 years, Mary Kay remained committed to doing well by doing good. Some know it as Corporate Social Responsibility. We call it Pink Changing Lives.
Your generosity and kindness are greatly needed in supporting this charity work.
Your donations are giving victims of domestic violence a chance to heal, cancer sufferers hope for tomorrow and orphaned children a reason to smile.
Your donations are giving victims of domestic violence a chance to heal, cancer sufferers hope for tomorrow and orphaned children a reason to smile.
With the purchase of your limited-edition Beauty That Counts® Mary Kay® NouriShine Plus™ Lip Gloss, you'll receive a built-in lip gloss sample to pass along to a friend.
For orders, call me at 019 872 9232
or email me at
or just reply me here.